About us

About us

Mental health support to help overcome barriers to Treatment

Mental health support to assist in overcoming barriers to achieving your NDIS goals. Many participants with a mental health diagnosis or multiple disabilities have found navigating the NDIS complicated, with many providers having little understanding of or experience with the complexities often experienced by the individual. As such, many find they are put into a box and considered ‘too complex’ or ‘difficult;. For us, at Inclusive mental health services, we believe this is often the result of multiple negative experiences participants have had in regard to services within the mental health field, often being considered a ‘diagnosis’ rather than a person. Whilst we are experienced professionals, first and foremost we provide a service with the participant guiding their services. This is at the centre of everything we do. We are NDIS registered Victoria.

About us

A Little bit of history

Inclusive Mental Health Services began with the idea of providing a participant-centred service by experienced professionals whose goal is to support those with whom they work. Although seemingly idealistic, this was the very foundation of Mental Health & Dual Disability Support Coordination Services, which grew into Inclusive Mental Health Services. The company may be larger, but the ideal is not. We aim to support our participants to the best of our ability regardless of whether they have been considered ‘complex’ or ‘too difficult to achieve the goals they want to accomplish in their life. A view of inclusive services for all participants regardless of diagnosis or capacity. As such, we welcome feedback as this ensures we can better meet participant needs.


How It Works

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1st Phase

Magna lectus sapien massa lectus, bibendum pellentesque fusce.

Talent management

2nd Phase

Arcu vivamus non sem quisque orci eros ut, congue ultricies.


Final Phase

Porta vitae mauris tempus magna sed diam lorem viverra justo.


What I'm Offer

Commodo tempus sapien sit bibendum sit morbi auctor molestie rutrum pellentesque eget vitae justo congue amet malesuada.

Individual Therapy

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Couples Therapy

Will royalties in the company do instead of cash I like it, but can the snow look a little warmer, do an actual logo instead.

Children Therapy

That will be a conversation piece there is too much white space. Use a kpop logo that’s not a kpop logo.
Rutrum proin orci porttitor lorem at massa commodo.

If would like to refer

 If you would like to access our support and gain access to Inclusive Mental Health’s experienced team of participant-centred professionals. Contact us here for more information