What is the Average NDIS Funding per Person?


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian government initiative designed to provide support and funding to individuals with disabilities. It aims to empower people with disabilities by giving them greater control and choice over the services and support they receive. One of the key aspects of the NDIS is the funding it provides to participants. In this article, we will explore the average NDIS funding per person and the factors that influence it.

Understanding NDIS Funding

1. How is NDIS Funding Calculated?

The NDIS funding for each individual is determined through a comprehensive assessment process. This process takes into account the specific needs, goals, and circumstances of the participant. The funding is not a fixed amount but rather an individualized package tailored to meet the participant’s requirements. It covers a wide range of supports and services, including assistive technology, therapies, personal care, and more.

2. Average NDIS Funding

The average NDIS funding per person varies depending on several factors, such as the nature and severity of the disability, the participant’s age, their support needs, and the goals they want to achieve. As of the knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, the average NDIS funding was approximately $49,000 per participant per year. However, it’s important to note that this figure is subject to change as the NDIS continues to evolve and adapt to the needs of its participants. For NDIS behaviour services vic see here.

Factors Affecting NDIS Funding

1. Disability Type and Severity

The type and severity of a person’s disability play a significant role in determining their NDIS funding. Disabilities that require more intensive support and specialized services may receive higher funding allocations. For instance, individuals with profound intellectual disabilities or complex medical needs may require a higher level of assistance and, therefore, receive more funding.

2. Age and Developmental Stage

The age of the participant also influences their NDIS funding. Children and young adults may require additional support to facilitate their development and education. The NDIS recognizes this and provides increased funding for early intervention services and supports. The funding allocation may change as the participant grows and their needs evolve over time.

What is the average NDIS funding per person?
What is the average NDIS funding per person?

3. Support Needs and Goals

NDIS funding is based on the participant’s individual support needs and goals. The funding is intended to enable participants to achieve their goals and enhance their quality of life. Therefore, the support needs identified during the assessment process directly impact the funding amount. The NDIS considers factors such as personal care requirements, therapy needs, assistive technology, and other necessary supports.

4. Local Area Cost Differences

The NDIS takes into account the cost differences across various regions when determining funding allocations. The cost of living, service availability, and market rates for disability-related supports can vary from one area to another. To ensure fairness and equity, the NDIS adjusts the funding amounts based on these local area cost differences.


The average NDIS funding per person is approximately $49,000 per participant per year, although this figure can vary depending on individual circumstances. The NDIS funding is calculated based on factors such as the nature and severity of the disability, the participant’s age, their support needs, and their goals. By providing individualized funding packages, the NDIS aims to empower people with disabilities to live more independently and achieve their aspirations. As the NDIS continues to evolve, it will remain crucial to regularly review and adapt funding allocations to meet the changing needs of participants and ensure a more inclusive society for all.

NDIS funding per person

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